12 Rules for life Jordan Peterson

Have been following this Guy for well over a year now.  Before turning it over to the expert, here’s a few of my own, from observation:

  1. If use of the product or service is free, YOU are the product (taught to us by facebook & google)
  2. You never learn much by winning. By contrast you can learn 1000 times more from a loss.
  3. Lying is like an addiction. After as few as 2 or 3 you can become addicted; the habit will only grow; and one day you’ll be on 20 or 40 a day, unable to kick it, and you’ll have lost all sense of truth in your life.
  4. Once you have lost truth, you have found Hell.
  5. It takes years to earn trust, and a split second to lose it.
  6. A clear conscious is an investment: It might cost a it here and a bit there when you pass up the chances to score from deception, short-cuts and cheating, but you are lighter for all of you life, grow stronger & more skillful by honest work, and gain confidence through a growing sense of self-respect from the justly earned.
  7. We think an education or a skill may be the most important investment we can make, but if we choose the wrong partner in life, no amount of career success can be kept through the destruction of divorce.

and now over to the expert.  Choose your own favourites. Write them down Meditate on what they mean for you DAILY, until it becomes a habit.  When you think you have the right answer, you probably don’t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quick intro:   https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jan/28/12-rules-for-life-an-antidote-to-chaos-by-jordan-b-peterson-digested-read



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